Beatnik Termites

In 1987, a couple of college students in Cleveland, Ohio, inspired by punk bands who couldn't even play their instruments, formed a band with an undertaking to counter this trend and play punk music of first-rate quality: well written songs, well played -- plain and simple. To do so, they reached back in recent history to styles of music that everyone loves: Doo-wop, Surf, Girl Groups, Brill Building/Tin Pan Alley -- all of this, American music. The band's first song "Strawberry Girl" was written, and the Beatnik Termites were formed; a trio, making a new American music.
One significant Beatnik Termites' release during 1997 was the Coolidge release "Lineage" 7-inch featuring cover art by Karl Alvarez, bassist from the legendary L.A. punk band the Descendents.